
Showing posts from February, 2015

Easily amused!

I've been to several Walmart's,  but we found a really interesting one in Sacramento today! We took Jake to get Christine a birthday card and present.  So I chose the Walmart that seemed the closest.  We noticed when we walked in that there were two floors. (There were actually three floors,  but we must have missed the other floor!) We were trying to get our bearings in the new store when we noticed some escalators.  Then Brigette noticed that there was an escalator for the shopping carts! Well,  of course,  we had to try it!  Brigette and I laughed that it doesn't take much to amuse us.  We thought it was pretty neat! Jake thought it was pretty cool too! 

Wine tasting

We planned to go to Yosemite yesterday ,  but there were weather alerts all over the park.. snow, mudslides, rain, wind. So we decided that wasn't a good idea. Mike suggested that we drive up to Apple Hill. It's a pretty area east of Sacramento that has several wineries and farmer's markets. I'm not a wine person,  but I thought I would participate in the wine tasting with Brigette.  She picked the six wines for me because I'm completely naive in this department.  Some of the wines were not good (in my inexperienced opinion), but she did pick a few that I liked. Of course my favorite was Moscato which is a dessert wine! We thought this sign was funny! 

Rainy and Windy day!

Our first stop in San Francisco was at an overlook to see the Golden Gate Bridge! It was so windy and wet! We noticed a cameraman setting up and what looked like a weather man?? We got out and took pictures real quick and noticed that we were getting filmed.  Brigette and I got interviewed with the local Channel 2 in San Francisco!  It was the weather man and he asked us where we were from and what we thought of the weather.  So... we're famous! We got a kick out of it. Here's a picture of us at the overlook.   Our next stop was finding the "Full House" house and "Mrs. Doubtfire's " house. Mike also took us to Lombard Avenue.  Brigette showed me on the map what looked to be a squiggly street! It was definitely a squiggly street and Mike had to drive real slow going down it.  This is the best picture of the street. You can see the car squiggly uphill.    Our next stop was Fishermen's  Wharf.  We could see Alcatraz Island from the wharf. We ate l

San Francisco here we come!

We are heading to San Francisco today!  I've never been and am very excited to see the Golden Gate Bridge!  Mike is getting a minivan so we can all ride together.  He said traffic is pretty crazy there! I bought Jake and Jermaine an Auburn tshirt. They both said "War Eagle!" to Uncle Curtis.  He said "Roll Tide!" back!      Jake 11 years (left) and        Jermaine   28 years old I haven't ever met Jake. So it's been fun to get to know him.  He's a very smart,  sweet and polite kid! He read to me while I was cooking yesterday. He's been trying new fruit that Brigette and I bought. He decided he likes kiwi and blueberries now.  Jermaine was small the last time we got together.  He's doing very well and is very sweet.   He's been sick,  so he's had a hard few days.  But he seems to be doing better now.   Brigette and I are enjoying the time off together.  She's working a little bit,  but so far not to much! She is sleeping on Jake&#

We made it!

We finally made it to Chris and Mike's house with no problems.  We have a lot of catching up to do.  Here's a picture of me with my sisters.

Big ole' Jet Airliner

Brigette and I met up at the Houston airport to fly to Sacramento together.  She is working on the plane. I really appreciate her coming with me because she's so busy at work.  I'm lucky in that I can't take my work home with me. Here is a picture of us on the plane. I got sick and my Lupus is having a heyday,  so I look terrible. 

California here I come!

I am flying to Houston in the morning and meeting my sister,  Brigette. Then we are flying to Sacramento,  California to see my biological sister,  Christine.  We haven't seen each other in about 20 years.  I'm a little nervous,  but excited at the same time! I'll keep you posted on our activities! Got to go get some sleep!