Day 13: Vow renewal and adventure photography

The reason for this vacation is to celebrate our 20 years together.  I hired an adventure photographer before we left to take some pictures of us because we haven't had professional pictures made since our wedding.  I just wanted to have fun and I didn't want it to be a traditional vow renewal.  So Curtis and I made a list of promises on the things that we might improve upon in our relationship.  For example, Curtis promised to finish home improvement projects in a year.  I promised to try to clean up my computer files and not leave my hair bands all over the house. We probably should have thought about our promises more because Curtis has already asked John for a few addendums.

Our friends, Trish and John, came to help us with our vow renewal.  We really appreciated them flying all the way to Glacier to help us celebrate.  Those are the kind of friends you keep for life. Trish made John read a wonderful verse from Proverbs at the make it official.

John was our officiant and Trish was the witness (and the heckler).  I reminded John that we were friends first before he made me promise anything. John joked he was putting on his cowboy get-up and quoting from the movie "Princess Bride".  I told him I didn't care what he wore and he could say anything he wanted.  So he quoted the famous line from "Princess Bride"...Mawwiage. Mawwiage is wat bwings us togeder today.  We all laughed so hard, including the photographer.  We had so much fun!


We chose to do it at the Sacred Dancing Falls Bridge in Glacier National Park.  After the unofficial ceremony and John pronounced us "still...husband and wife..", Carrie took us down to the rocks near the falls.  We passed a few people who asked us how many years.  Curtis joked he just met me in the parking lot and I agreed to marry him.  The lady told him he got lucky then.  He sweetly said he knew.  Curtis and I both wore hiking boots since we knew we'd be climbing around on rocks, hills and meadows.  No heels, no dress shoes, no worrying about dirt or dust!!  

We took off with Carrie Ann (of ) to go up on the mountain and hopefully, take some breathtaking pictures.  I don't have the pictures yet.  But I'm hopeful that Carrie got some great shots.  She takes some wonderful pictures.  Check out her website.

We had a great time! I joked when we got married, we'd do something fun every five go to Vegas and get Elvis to renew our vows.  Life got in the way and we were suddenly 20 years in and we hadn't done anything.  So, if you ever thought about doing something different to celebrate your life together...come to Glacier National Park, hire an adventure photographer and just have some fun!  I can't wait to see the pictures from Carrie.


  1. Awww... fantastic! Can't wait to see the *professional* pictures. LOVE your dress!!

  2. Thanks, Cathy! I'm excited to see them too!


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