Happy Birthday, America!

We had a staycation at Monte Sano State Park on the 4th of July weekend.  It's a beautiful park with a really nice RV campground, cabins and many trails to hike.  We try to come here a few times a year.  The campground is very wooded and well kept.  All of the staff are extremely nice and helpful also.  A lot of campers had elaborate red, white and blue decorations.  We forgot all of ours so we felt like scrooge.  But the campground looked great and very patriotic!

Our 4th of July family camping trip has become a tradition with our boys and my daughter in law.  I love having my kids home.  Camping is a great way for us to be together and just enjoy each other and not worry about chores or anything else at home.  I look horrible in all of these pictures because, well, we're camping and I don't worry about hair or makeup.

I enjoy getting up early in the mornings and taking a long walk/jog. I logged about 4 miles every morning.  There were usually several deer hanging around in the campground area. They were not frightened at all.  Marc and I enjoyed a hike together down one of the paths that people used to be able to drive up to the Overlook.  But they closed it off and now it's a hiking/biking trail only. 

One of our good friends brought their girls up and camped with us as well. They have three little (well, not so little anymore) girls that I absolutely adore.  I'm their adopted aunt and I try to spoil them every chance I get.  We prayed very hard for these rugrats and I'm so blessed to have them in my life.

Nana also came up to hang out with us one day.  She enjoys the kids' company.  They played cards and just enjoyed the lazy day together.  If you will notice in the pictures, there was a lot of time spent inside the RV because it was so hot outside.  For anyone who has never been to Alabama in the summer, the humidity will kill you before the heat will!  We grilled hamburgers and had a nice dinner.  The nice thing about having Marc home is he is willing to cook for me!  He and I enjoy cooking together every time he comes home.  The screened in tent area was a real treat because all of the bugs really like to snack on me!  My husband says it's because I'm too sweet!  

I should close this post by saying thank you to all of the military, past, present, retired and otherwise.  As an Air Force brat and military mom, I'm so thankful to live in this country of ours.  Being adopted from the Philippines, I remember what it's like to live without the basics that we take for granted...water, indoor plumbing, electricity, food, ice (that used to be a real treat!).  I hope everyone will stop and pledge their allegiance to our great country where we are blessed abundantly and enjoy many freedoms that we should all protect!  God Bless the USA and happy birthday, America!!


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