Let the adventure begin!

It took us a few hours to load the Buffalo. Amid the lovely Alabama heat and humidity,  we were both drenched afterward. Considering that we would only get sponge baths for the next few days, we decided to take  shower #2 of the day before we left.  Gotta love hot Bama summers with the humidity!  Here's praying for cooler weather in Montana!

Ready to hit the road!!

We hit a wall of rain near Nashville. Unfortunately,  the brand new wipers tore almost immediately. So poor Curtis had to pull over on busy I-65 to change them. Luckily,  Curtis had saved the old ones just in case. It was a little scary when semis would pass us!  The RV would rock every time a semi would pass.

We had planned to try to make it to St. Louis today.  But since we were up late last night and didn't sleep well, we decided to call it a day in Paducah. We stopped at a Walmart to sleep and we plan to get up REALLY early tomorrow and hit the road again.  I'm hoping we make it to Omaha, NE.

Oh...road food.  Just call me the RV Gourmet!


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