Great Escape, Day 2!

I felt really bad for my husband today.  24-hour Walmart parking lots are not the best place to try to rest if you are a light sleeper, which I am.  I heard every noise last night, the RV that pulled in next to us, the motorcycles that were revving their engine around midnight, a low whining noise. Then the noises in the RV changed around 2 am and I woke up worried that we had run out of diesel because we were running the generator all night. So I grabbed my phone and researched Onan 10kw generators and how much diesel they used per hour.  Don't laugh!  Then I tried to remember how much diesel Curtis said we had left.  Keep in mind, my OCD husband would have calculated all of this already before going to sleep.  But that thought never crossed my mind at 2 am in the morning! So when I asked Curtis if he slept ok, he said I guess.  I told him I didn't and he said I know!  Remember the putting up with each other part...

I forgot to take a picture of the St. Louis arch, but I did take a picture of this cool bridge we crossed on I-64.  We'd never seen it before. 

Curtis was worried that parts of I-29 north of Omaha would still be flooded.  Iowa and Nebraska had a lot of flooding recently.  There were still many farms under water.  I felt so bad for those farmers.  You can see how high the water was on the building in some of these pictures.

Oh.  Curtis found a good RV trip app called RV Parky.  You can search a map of the area you're in and it will tell you where gas stations, RV parks, rest stops, Walmarts, Cabelas (there are other filters you can choose) are.  It also gives reviews from other RVers.  So I chose the On Ur Wa RV park in Onawa, Iowa to stop.  The couple who run it is very nice.  They are open till 9 pm.  The park is specifically for road trippers to have a place to pull over with full hookups.  They are close to the Interstate and easily accessible with big rigs.  Oh.  All of their sites are pull throughs.  That's a big plus when you are in bus and pulling a Jeep!

They also had this cool sign which listed places and distances.  This is how far we have to go to get to Glacier National Park.  We're still smiling...although every tired!

If you are traveling this way, it's a great place to stop overnight!  We will definitely give them a great review!


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