Cascade Falls, Ouray, Colorado

We slept in a little yesterday morning. After we got up, I talked Curtis into a 3 mile walk, looping around the large KOA campground.  We enjoy checking out other people's rigs and seeing what they use and dreaming about retirement. After brunch, we did some clean up to get the bus ready for travel tomorrow.  

I then talked him into going on a short hike (although very steep) to Cascade Falls. Truth be told, the altitude was getting to both of us. I've been suffering from some nausea and headaches. But I've been powering through.  No! It's not Covid. My temperature has been fine. I've been doing twice daily checks since we're heading back to see my parents. We've tried to be really careful and avoid people. That's the great thing about camping. You can still do outdoor activities and avoid people!

Cascade Falls is off of 8th Avenue in downtown Ouray. But it's a very steep, short hike. It was really hot yesterday also...which didn't help. So this short jaunt was all we planned. 

There were a lot of people playing under the falls. I'm sure the water was nice and cold.  
But since we were avoiding people and crowds, we just watched from a distance.  It was a a nice fall to visit.  A guy told us that he was up here earlier in the year and the falls were just gushing.  I bet that was a beautiful sight.  

We headed back to camp.  No incidence with the Jeep.  And we enjoyed a relaxing evening by the fire.  This KOA had a band every night we stayed.  The band last night was really good.  I even got Curtis to slow dance with me by the fire.  It was probably the margaritas.  But it was nice to dance in the dark with just the fire.  

The sky was lit up with stars.  I have been trying to learn how to take night shots on my camera.  I think there was still too much light.  But I found the darkest spot I could and took a few shots.  I still need to learn how to post process them.  But I did capture all of the stars that were out.  The Milky Way was right above our head.  It was a gorgeous night.


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