
Showing posts from September, 2017

A few more pictures of Victoria, BC

My husband reminded me that there was a picture he took in Victoria that I forgot to post.  This was along the bank of the bay.  I don't know what kind of red flowers they are.  But it was very pretty and I totally missed it until he pointed it out to me.  There were several things I missed that he had to point out.  He pays attention to my defense, I wasn't feeling real well.  That's my excuse!  Queen Victoria statute near the Parliament This is a clearer picture of the peacock.  Our "driver" tried to get it to stand up and fluff his tail, but he wasn't budging.

Last Port of Call: Victoria, British Columbia, Canada!

Victoria, BC, Canada  was our last port of call.  I kind of lied to the doctor when he called me first thing in the morning to ask me how I was feeling.  I felt awful, but I didn't want to miss Victoria.  So I told him I felt great!  (I'll go to confession later!) I have a ton of pictures to post.  Victoria is so beautiful!  We took a ton of pictures.  The thing that hit me and Trish is how vibrant and large the flowers were here!  We saw dahlias that were twice as big and brighter red than I've ever seen! We walked along the Fisherman's Wharf trail to downtown.  It was a pretty stroll along the coast.  We took our time because I couldn't walk a long way without stopping for a break.  Largest Sequoia tree that gets decorated at Christmas.  Very Beautiful! The Parliament Building  My handsome husband...the photographer We a