Last Port of Call: Victoria, British Columbia, Canada!

Victoria, BC, Canada was our last port of call.  I kind of lied to the doctor when he called me first thing in the morning to ask me how I was feeling.  I felt awful, but I didn't want to miss Victoria.  So I told him I felt great!  (I'll go to confession later!)

I have a ton of pictures to post.  Victoria is so beautiful!  We took a ton of pictures.  The thing that hit me and Trish is how vibrant and large the flowers were here!  We saw dahlias that were twice as big and brighter red than I've ever seen!

We walked along the Fisherman's Wharf trail to downtown.  It was a pretty stroll along the coast.  We took our time because I couldn't walk a long way without stopping for a break.

 Largest Sequoia tree that gets decorated at Christmas.  Very Beautiful!

The Parliament Building

 My handsome husband...the photographer

We ate lunch at Nautical Nellie's.  John had a huge dungeness crab.  The food was really good!  This is definitely a great place to have lunch in Victoria.

 This seafood chowder was so good!  It had a little bit of everything in it!

I decided that I needed to go back to the ship, so Curtis and I left John and Trish and we walked back to the ship.  We got talked into doing a bike tour of the city on our way back.  We got pedaled around the city and through Beacon HIll Park.  The park tour was so pretty.  The gardens are so beautiful and peaceful.

 Beacon HIll Park:  This poor kid who talked us into getting on the back of his bike didn't look able to pull us around.  But he did a great job taking us on a tour of the park.  He was animated about the information he gave us and he took a few pictures of us.

There were two peacocks sitting up in the tree.  Curtis got a really good picture of one of them.

 This picture of a peacock is amazing!

These flowers were so vibrant and colorful!  I really love yellow flowers.  They remind of sunflowers, but I'm not sure what they are called.  Maybe a type of daisy?

 Notice the bee drinking from the flower

 These purple flowers smelled like vanilla!

Stone Bridge

 A really tall Totem.

I thought this was the weirdest looking bush.  Notice the way they bobbed the Weeping Willows' branches.

 This is called the Sundial Garden.

This flower is called bleeding heart. It was also one of my favorites.


  1. So pretty!! It must be all the rain making the flowers so nice? Your favorite flower is likely Rudbeckia Hirta or something similar. :-)


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