Sick days on board!

When you get sick on a cruise, they have strict protocol that they ask you to follow.  I was quarantined for two days, given free room service and unlimited movies.  If I had felt like watching movies (I did watch a couple), I really could have taken advantage of it.  But when I called room service for food, they would "check my dietary list" before they'd agree to bring it to me.  I know they were trying to help me get better, but it was a little annoying to be told that that food isn't on your list.  

My sweet husband hanging out with me.

This is what I was allowed to eat.  FYI:  spearmint jello is not very appetizing!  I was "allowed" to have honey though.  That was a treat.

Some of the towel art that we got.  We didn't get as many because of me being in quarantine.

Royal Caribbean did write me a letter before we left that they were sorry that I got sick and offered us a future cruise credit.  If I can get my husband on a ship again, I think I would like a redo on an Alaskan cruise...maybe to different ports of call and a little further north!


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