Skagway, Alaska

Our next stop after Juneau was Skagway, Alaska.  I got up early because I was excited and wanted coffee and a little breakfast before we got to port.  I did notice from the smell that someone had thrown up in the stairway on my way back.  I should have taken more careful notice of my surroundings!  Tip:  Don't touch anything!  Wash your hands a lot!  And then wash your hands again!  And DO NOT touch your face unless you wash your hands!  I'll explain later....

It was pretty foggy, cloudy and rainy when we docked in Skagway.  Curtis and I were very glad we brought along our good coats.  It got pretty cold!

We went straight to the train yard.  We had booked a ride up to Whitepass Point.  We were all pretty excited about our train ride.  Unfortunately, we didn't make it to the top.  We got about 9 miles up and had to get pulled back down because we blew an engine.  Our cabin was full of really fun, crazy people.  We entertained ourselves with songs while we sat and waited.  We called it the Crazy Train.

Someone really enjoyed the train ride!

The Crazy Train!

Afterward, we ate lunch at a local dive bar.  The clam chowder and fish n chips were pretty good, but it didn't seem to settle with me real well.  We walked around Skagway and I stopped in a quilt store and got some really neat fabric.  That made me happy to find a really neat quilt store.  John left us because he had a speed boat ride that he had booked.  (It ended up being canceled due to weather!  I thought we were in Alaska!)

Still Smiling!
Skagway, Alaska!

Ok.  To finish my thought in the beginning about washing your hands...when we got back to the ship, I didn't feel good, but thought it was just lunch was too greasy for me.  I decided to go to the gym and get in a workout before dinner.  We had booked dinner at Izumi, the Japanese sushi restaurant on board the ship.  So I was really looking forward to good sushi.

After my workout, I went back to the room and my stomach was really hurting.  I took a shower and decided to lay down for a while.  But when it was time to leave for dinner, I was very nauseated.  After Curtis left for dinner, I started vomiting.  Needless to say, I ended up contracting the norovirus.  I was quarantined to my room for the next two days.  Poor Curtis tried to take good care of me, but I really wanted him to leave the room so he wouldn't get it.  We got lucky and he didn't get it, but we were very meticulous about him not touching what I touched, washing his hands and using a different towel.  So let that be a lesson!  There are a lot of bugs on board a cruise ship, not to mention close quarters!  Be careful and wash your hands!!  Don't touch your face!!!


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