The Badlands of South Dakota

We drove to Badlands National Park today. I wasn't sure what to expect. I heard of them and saw pictures online, but what I found was really surprising. We stopped at the first boardwalk to go exploring. One of the first things I noticed was how straight the sedimentary layers are and all of the beautiful colors! And the wind! It was so windy that it wears you out! We went into the canyon and started exploring. We had so much fun wandering through the rocks to see how the water has carved them into their shapes. It seemed to go on forever! I texted my boys that it was an awesome place to play hide and seek! Curtis and I really enjoyed each other's company. This is our first real vacation by ourselves. kids to worry about...just each other. He kept shaking his head at me (every now and then I'd hear him mutter "Woman!") because I kept wandering off and climbing around. I had a blast! A part of me wished my boys were there. ...