Rapid City, South Dakota!!!!

We finally made it to Rapid City, SD! We are here for three nights, so thank goodness we don't have to pack the suitcases tomorrow! 

Tip number two:

When going on an extended trip, break your luggage down into smaller units so you're not hauling EVERYTHING every time you stop! I wish I would have packed 2 smaller bags instead of the larger suitcase.

It was a pretty day for a drive. The weather got cooler and not muggy. I took a few pictures from the car. South Dakota is a lot of wide open spaces with lots of farm land. As I watched the scenery go by, I could imagine the old west with cowboys and Indians and wagon trains riding along the rolling hillside. Curtis asked if the grass is as soft as it looks, very green, very lush...

The guys decided that they wanted steak tonight...like we need more food! But...the Dakota Steakhouse,  conveniently located within walking distance, was well worth it! Curtis had the cowboy bone - in ribeye and boy, was it bone-in! I had a grilled vegetable sandwich and sweet potato waffle fries. Like Rachel Ray says, Yum-O!!!  I'm going to have do Insanity and run tomorrow morning! 

Buffalo metal statue outside of the Steakhouse

Tomorrow we are off to the Badlands!  We thought about renting a motorcycle but tomorrow is supposed to be windy. So the truck it is for us! I'll let you know tomorrow if we think this is great motorcycle riding country. 

Off to bed...I hope I can sleep! I'm so excited for tomorrow! 


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