Vegas and home

I wanted to add this little bit about the Coronavirus,  Covid-19, because it's making history.  We were a little hesitant about taking this trip because I'm somewhat of a risk due to Lupus and let's be honest...Curtis and I fall into the older category group. But we came and we're glad we did. Lots of hand washing,  hand sanitizer, not touching your face...being cognizant of what you're touching and what other people are touching.  For instance,  I was grabbing breakfast our first day in Zion and a lady next to me (who was old enough to know better) was spreading cream cheese on her bagel and licking her fingers....which was fine until she picked up the honey container with the same hand to put on her bagel. I was going to add honey to my English muffin,  but changed my mind. Even without a serious virus outbreak, this is not ok! 

On our drive back to Vegas today,  I read that there were a few confirmed cases here in Vegas. We seriously considered driving home instead of coming here and flying. But the costs for a one way rental is ridiculous.  So we checked in, grabbed dinner (The Yard is a great place!) and avoided the main strip and large crowds. We stayed in our room and had a relaxing evening.  Not exciting,  but a vacation nonetheless.  Let's hope for a good flight home! 


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