There's no place like home...

We drove a long day yesterday...well, I say we...Curtis drove a long day yesterday.  We stopped overnight in Wichita and saw my family.  We stayed at USI RV campground in Wichita near my parents house.  It's a very nice campground with very friendly people running it.  

My parents picked us up and we went to my sister Kelly's house and I finally got to see my nephew.  I haven't seen him since Christmas and he's grown so much.  My other sister, Erin, and her family came so we got see our other nephews, Paxton and Landon, too.  It was a nice break. 

Dad cooked us his famous pancakes for breakfast this morning before we left.  Dad used to make the boys' initials when he made them pancakes. Curtis said he hasn't ever gotten an "C", so Dad made him one this morning.  😍

We are on our way west toward Colorado.  Not sure where we'll stop tonight yet.  That's the fun part of traveling.  Tomorrow we will be in Fort Collins with Marc and Kathryn!  I can't wait.


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